In the final section of Inside Apple, Lashinsky explains
from his perspective the current state of Apple and the direction they are
heading. "Over the next 15 years or so," states Lashinsky, we
"will get to watch the drama of whether Apple has truly found a way to
cheat the hangman's noose or if the period between 1997-2012 or so was a golden
aberration driven by one extraordinary individual, the likes of which we will
never see again. If the former is true, then Apple will defy almost all of
business history” (Veverka, 2012). Although he predicts that Apple will dominate its rivals
for the next several years, over the long term Lashinsky argues that the odds
are against Apple (Holbrook, 2012). I found this section to be most interesting
and I agree with the author on what Apple will become without Steve Jobs. With
all of that said, Steve Jobs' legacy might well defy the skepticism of critics,
and of business history generally, as the Apple CEO so often did in life (Veverka,
2012). Further, now that Steve is gone, the competition still does not have
Steve Jobs.
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